And what dreams! The turmoil of the open seas, the salty spray of the ocean, the skies full of foreboding -- and a ship! I know the actuality was often less than pleasant, but romanticized it's quite appealing!
I bike hundreds of days a year on paved roads, dirt roads, and singletrack. My wife, Emily, and I—along with Poncho, the Wonder Dog—hike, camp, and wander New England farm fields. I've been adventuring since my first bike tour in 1980, and living in New England for 21 years (and am still not a "local").
For those interested, the painting is by Alfred Gabali, a German who hid from the Nazis during WWII and immigrated to the U.S. in 1950.
And what dreams! The turmoil of the open seas, the salty spray of the ocean, the skies full of foreboding -- and a ship! I know the actuality was often less than pleasant, but romanticized it's quite appealing!
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